
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Consequences 10cc podcast 79 - The Great Graham Gouldman Bake-off
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Well folks, in the words of Graham Gouldman here:
We'll just leave this one here. Unreleased joys and a reaction from this great musician to die for. Enjoy!

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Consequences 10cc podcast 78 - No Words Today, with Graham
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
As Paul says, 'there's no introduction necessary': Graham's umpteenth pod gig is a joy!
We won't give anything away, but we had a lot of surprises here. Graham's 2020-2021 Lockdown project - 'No Words Today' - has been a massive technological leap for the so-called 10cc 'bassist'. Total solo artist, guitar virtuoso and self producer/engineer? You bet. For those of you fortunate enough to have downloaded this sumptuous beauty already, you'll know exactly what we're talking about. This is Gouldman firing on cylinders we (and he) didn't even know he had!
And there's an awful lot more to come from this conversation... Coming to a pod near you anon.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Paul and Sean were delighted to spend an hour and a half in the company of Mike 'McGear' McCartney. And what an entertaining and captivating chap he is!
Any fans, like us, of 10cc's Strawberry Studios will of course know about Mike's memorable visits to Stockport. We give due airtime to the excellent 'McGear' album from 1974, as well as looking at its predecessor 'Woman' from two years earlier.
And there's so, so much more. Mike is a consummate raconteur, and he has us in stitches with his anecdotes about the The Scaffold, Cavern, Abbey Road, celebrity interviews, Strawberry, football with the Pythons, and of course 'our kid', his older brother Paul (including our extraordinary recorded find a few weeks ago).
There were a hundred questions we ran out of time - or simply forgot! - to ask. But we really hope you enjoy our attempt to do justice to the career of this underrated and hugely engaging artist.

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Consequences 10cc podcast 73 - Swinging our Benefits in a Red Bandana
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Consequences 10cc podcast 72 - Beaucoup Plus Tard La Même Nuit à Paris
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Bienvenue tout le monde! And a big welcome back to our New Best Friend and maestro Eric Baumgartner for what can only be described as a musical tour-de-force deep dive into 10cc’s quirky 1975 masterpiece ‘Une Nuit à Paris’.
Perhaps surprisingly, two out of three of us here are less than 100% in love with this track. Is there something unsatisfying about the song itself, and is it just too harsh on the ears? All of us agree though that as a structured piece of theatre, it’s a masterwork.
Needless to say, Monsieur Baumgartner’s musical analysis and dancing fingers are dazzling again, and Sean’s hit a bit of a purple patch with some audio geekery - all just for a bit of fun! (He should get out more). Paul treats us to some fascinating and funny anecdotes direct from the band members. We guarantee that you’ll be hearing a dozen things that you’ve never known or noticed before.
In a word - which we use many times during this podcast - MAGNIFIQUE!

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Sean and Paul are once again under the spell of Atlanta's affable and twinkled-fingered musicologist, Eric Baumgartner! Not only that, but more than a year on from the start of the pandemic, we've finally found a way to record everyone in hi-fi sound... one of the many reasons why this is one of Sean's favourite episodes!
Eric's musical understanding is second to none, as we journey around 10cc's unusual and ground-breaking adventures with harmony. Now, we're not talking about the bursts of 'oos' and 'aahs' here. This is about their all-important use of chords, and Eric plays us dozens of examples, first through other pioneering pop writers who influenced the Stockport foursome, and other great composers who used similar techniques. Now don't get worried here: we're not going to dazzle you with science. We're just going to let you hear what made 10cc's compositional chops so amazing!
There are signature songwriting techniques being analysed here, such as 'slash chords', chromaticism and pedal points, and you'll giggle in recognition as Eric plays snippets from a huge array of 10cc classics. These guys were up to some clever and surprising tricks! But for us the *real* treat is his discovery of 'Lol's Magic Chord'... We won't give anything away, but suffice to say it's a real scoop! Hilarious and beautiful with it.
Thank you so much Eric, this was an absolute hoot!